When can you cancel an order?

  • You can cancel an order only till the time the order is not shipped. Order cancellation will not be allowed after shipment of order.


Will a cancellation request have any implication on you?

  • There will be no cancellation charges or processing fees for the customer upon order cancellation.


When do you get a refund for the cancelled order?

  • If the payment was by Credit/ Debit Card, Net-Banking and Digital Wallets, we will refund the money in your respective payment account. Typically refunds are processed in between 7- 10 working days after order is marked as cancelled.
  • Please note that we depend on the credit card issuing bank to ensure refund into your account. We only control release of funds from our side; there is little we can do in case there is a delay from the bank’s end.


What happens to the order post shipping?

  • Once order been shipped you have to call Carrier customer care helpline or write to us on to request cancelation.
  • If a cancellation request comes up, we will try to hold the shipment but we cannot guarantee that the cancellation request will be honoured.